Brand Marketing

We are all very much familiar with the word “Brand” but do we really know what it is actually. Is it just the name of the company or is just defined by the logo? We always tend to compare and talk which brand is better. Don’t we? But are we really talking about the specifics or are we just going with the popular perception. So what is a ‘brand’ basically? Let’s see! What is a Brand? Brand is a name developed for a product or service to successfully connect with the customers and distinguish the product / service from the other alternatives in the market with unique symbol, logo, phrase, mark etc. In the earlier days, brand was just referred to the company’s logo or may be even their tagline and nothing more. Over the years, it has evolved a lot. Though even today its primary strength is the logo and name, but it has included other aspects and has become more dynamic in nature. A brand now provides the audience everything the company does or can do. It also conveys the core values...